
  • Providing transportation for schools in the Greater Reims urban community
  • Promoting and operating mobility solutions


daily school bus routes


regular intercity routes


on-demand transportation service


Champagne Mobilités is developing its primary business lines to better serve the Greater Reims Urban Community and the Grand Est region. 

Close to its customers, Champagne Mobilités supports the Greater Reims Urban Community's policy of providing multiple mobility options.  

137 municipalities in the greater urban community are served daily. New services were rolled out in 2022: a new ticketing system for regular routes, and an on-demand transportation service was set up in three white zones. 

The objective of the on-demand transportation service is to offer access to local amenities (healthcare, shopping), as well as feeder routes to train stations or urban networks. The company also has a "Tourism" business line that offers a variety of services to meet the transportation needs of clubs and associations, companies, or individuals for coach trips.

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